COCOP - Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723661. This piece of software reflects only the authors' views, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
This application is based on the work of Sathish Kumar Narayanan
The work of S. K. Narayanan is an implementation of:
Yair Altman: Matlab callbacks for Java events
30 Nov 2010
Modified and extended by Petri Kannisto, Tampere University, Finland
Detailed author information:
- AmqpMathToolConnector
- original work by S. K. Narayanan
- modified by P. Kannisto
- All other classes: P. Kannisto
- AmqpMathToolConnectorTest: P. Kannisto
- AmqpPropsManagerUnitTest: P. Kannisto
Please make sure to read and understand LICENSE.txt!
COCOP Toolkit
This application is a part of COCOP Toolkit, which was developed to enable a decoupled and well-scalable architecture in industrial systems. Please see
The purpose of this application is to connect an AMQP 0-9-1 message bus with a calculation environment. In particular, it was designed to connect Matlab with RabbitMQ.
This repository contains an entire Eclipse workspace. The included applications are as follows:
- AmqpMathToolConnector: the actual connector application
- AmqpMathToolConnectorTest: console application to test connecting with the message bus
- AmqpPropsManagerUnitTest: JUnit unit test for the AmqpPropsManager class
See also:
Environment and Libraries
The development environment was Eclipse Photon Release (4.8.0), Build id: 20180619-1200.
For execution, the following should do it:
- Java: JDK/JRE 8 or newer
- Matlab: 2017 or newer
The following libraries were utilised in development:
- amqp-client-4.2.2.jar
- amqp-client-4.2.2-javadoc.jar
- commons-logging-1.2.jar
- slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
- slf4j-nop-1.7.25.jar
Known Limitations
The software always assumes '/' as the vhost on AMQP server, which is the default. Therefore, you cannot presumably connect to CloudAMQP that forces you to use another vhost.
Usage in Matlab
To utilise the AMQP connector in Matlab, you can follow these instructions.
- If you are new to RabbitMQ, you should first try it without Matlab
- To debug your code, it is advisable to implement a simple publisher and subscriber in another environment
Once you have established a connection, you communicate in Matlab as follows:
- To publish (or send) a message, you simply call the respective function
- To receive messages
- you listen to one or more topics
- you need at least one callback function
- AmqpMathToolConnector calls the callback in the background
The following figure illustrates the concepts and usage in Matlab.
Adding JAR libraries to classpath
Matlab must have an access to the required JAR libraries. Steps:
- Retrieve "Cocop.AmqpMathToolConnector" as a JAR file
- Retrieve the following libraries as JAR files (it is unclear if the versions can be different):
- amqp-client-4.2.2.jar
- commons-logging-1.2.jar
- slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
- slf4j-nop-1.7.25.jar
- Copy the JAR files to whatever folder you want to (such as 'C:\myclasspath')
- please avoid a filepath with spaces
- In your Matlab preferences folder, create a file called 'javaclasspath.txt'
- to locate this folder, use the 'prefdir' command
- in the classpath file, add the full path of each JAR file
- e.g.,
Creating callback for data reception
To receive messages, you must create a callback function in Matlab. For instance:
function myAmqpCallback(hObject, eventData)
% Routing key is the name of the respective topic in this example
routingKey = eventData.routingKey;
disp('Received a message with routing key:');
if strcmp(routingKey, 'my.expected.routingkey')
messageAsByteArray = eventData.message;
% Do whatever you want with the message...
disp('Unexpected routing key!');
- Write your callback function in an M file, such as 'C:\myfunctions\mycallback.m'
- please avoid a filepath with spaces
- Add the folder containing the callback to the Matlab path
- in your personal MATLAB folder, add a file called 'startup.m'
- this folder is presumably 'C:\Users\(username)\Documents\MATLAB'
- in this file, use addpath to add the folder containing your M file
- e.g.,
Activating AMQP listeners
The following code creates an object that will deliver notifications from the specified topic to the callback function "myAmqpCallback".
- You can listen to as many topics as needed
- you must specify all topics as a constructor parameters to AmqpConnector
- Replace the parameters ('', etc.) with the ones relevant to you
% Specifying topics to listen to
topicIn1 = '';
topicIn2 = '';
% Specify AMQP properties
amqpProps = eu.cocop.amqp2math.AmqpPropsManager('', '', 'user-x', 'my-password');
% If using a non-secure connection (i.e., no encryption with TLS):
% If you need to enable "durable" and "auto delete" flags for the exchange:
% Specify topics to listen to
topicsIn = javaArray('java.lang.String', 2);
topicsIn(1) = java.lang.String(topicIn1);
topicsIn(2) = java.lang.String(topicIn2);
% Set up AMQP connector
amqpConnector = eu.cocop.amqp2math.AmqpConnector(amqpProps, topicsIn);
% Associate a topic listener with Matlab
notifier = amqpConnector.getNotifierForTopic(topicIn1);
handleObj = handle(notifier, 'CallbackProperties');
set(notifier, 'ListenCallback', @(handleObj, ev)myAmqpCallback(handleObj, ev));
Publishing (sending) to AMQP
The following code sends a string encoded in UTF-8.
myStringOut = java.lang.String('Hello 5');
myBytesOut = myStringOut.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset.forName('UTF-8'));
amqpConnector.sendMessage('my.topic.Out', myBytesOut);
It is important to clean up resources after use. Call this when you end execution: